Difference diagnosis and effect on support

I don’t want to spread clichés, so please correct me if I’m wrong. However, if I look at the institutionalized structures, support groups and further advice for people with disabilites in general, also referring to the Disability Act guranteeing the rights of disabled people, there are much better conditions in the United States than in Europe. In Europe, the fundamental rights are presented in the constitution law and in the declaration of human rights. There is also a UN convention concerning people with disabilities which was signed by the Austrian Government in 2008. Anyway, Europe is obliged to treat these people in a similar way like in the USA:

Believe in your strengths and doubt your weaknesses, otherwise they will win.

If you invest in strengths, the weaknesses can be overcome. It’s benefit thinking, not deficit thinking. In Europe, especially in Austria (not to speak from countries in eastern Europe …), people with disabilities are seen as disability instead of benefitting from their strengths. Companies prefer buying themselves free instead of employing a person with a disability. There is too much prejudice and probably thinking in terms of „how much does it cost to modify the working place“ or taking special care of that person. They are seen as ballast and talents and special interests could be easily overlooked.

To my current knowledge, picture of autism in the USA is quite different from UK, Germany or Austria, except for some positive exceptions like companies who employ especially autists to benefit from their computer abilities or general ability to focus on their special interest in a very rigide way; which could be seen also critical as stereotypic picture of autists as computer nerds could be reinforced. Otherwise, numbers are disastrous concerning unemployment. Probably 80 % of Germans within the autistic spectrum are without job, about 40 % for a longer time, in UK only 15 % have a full-time job, some references in Austria even say nearly 100 % are unemployed. What a waste of talent!

As an autist you could have a great knowledge in your special interest, enhanced perception of details which could be used for detecting mistakes and many of them are also visual thinkers or good in expressing themselves in a written form. I can’t list all the advantages people in autism spectrum have – there are better resources than me, e.g. Temple Grandin, Rudy Simone or numberous blogs from autists all over the world who show you their ability. Tony Attwood, e.g., made a list of positive traits and characteristics of autism.

Main problem is however that talent and knowledge could be overwhelming but bad communication skills tend to be present in the foreground and overlap the better skills. And that’s also true for some Klinefelter’s though unemployment rate appears to be not such high as with idiopathic autists. However, irrespective of the underlying mechanisms and resulting diagnosis – if you have difficulties with social communication and interaction, people will likely underestimate your potential.

I really like Christopher Nolans ‚Batman trilogy‘, I could watch it every week, and I especially like the first part.

But it’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.

Though I’m inclined to agree with that statement, it’s appears in another light if you look at in the perspective of someone with impaired social skills. It’s his behaviour surprising, confusing the employer and will likely turn him into rejecting the respective person.  He could have good skills in his area of expertise but he will be unable to sell well in front of colleagues and bosses.

Here is the point where the diagnosis fits in, now with focus on Klinefelter’s syndrome and especially these ones fulfilling many but probably not all autism criteria. The child, adolescent or adult within Klinefelter’s spectrum  could have nearly the same difficulties in social communication and interaction like the child, adolescent or adult diagnosed with autism spectrum condition. However, there is not any handbook or advice for Klinefelter’s children and as long as they don’t let them be diagnosed with autism as well, they will not obtain respective support.

For an adult with Klinefelter’s syndrome revealing the same symptomes like Asperger’s syndrome, it plays a subdominant role whether childhood fits into the clinical picture of Asperger’s. It’s more an academical question if classic autistic traits could be observed. The adult wants to know how to manage current life, in the 40s or 50s. Most of the research deals with children and adolescents, not with adults, unfortunately, and there is little known about the effects of testosterone therapy on adults starting in adulthood, with respect to the behaviour. Most of the testosterone benefits do not affect the diagnose criteria for autism though improving relationship to peers was observed in studies. Bad communication skills could probably endure the therapy and maybe still present after years of testosterone substitution. Moreover, sensory integration disorder is also present with Klinefelter’s and could affect the working environment in a class room or office, too.

So there are two ways to obtain support for men with Klinefelter’s syndrome.

  • Either Klinefelter’s are generally tested for autism (and ADHD though the majority will obtain ADD, if present) and further strategy is to follow the approach for autists …
  • or we need just similar structures like in USA, with detailed descriptions of behavioral and sensory issues which are probably not related to testosterone deficit, and subsequent guidelines how to make things easier for concerned persons in school, at university, on the job and in everydaylife.

As long as we do not have these structures, there will be frustrated some, not all men with Klinefelter’s who suffer from many similar difficulties like people with autism but they just have the „wrong“ name of their diagnosis and will be misunderstood or even ignored.

People with autism and Klinefelter’s syndrome share two of the main criteria for autism: They tend to avoid eye contact and suffer from enhanced sensitivity to sounds, movements or touch, but could also benefit from their enhanced detail perception and ability to focus on their special interest.

Of course, there are differences, e.g. in brain architecture, but as already mentioned, from a current point of view, it only plays an academical role and is not an excluding criteria for autism, as long as it is not proven that testosterone could cure all autistic-like traits in Klinefelter’s spectrum.

Just to sum up a bit:

I strongly recommend to believe in your strengths. It does not make sense to solely focus on your weakness.

Good communication skills are important but should not distract from a person’s talent. For communication, you always need two persons. Use your language as precise as possible.  Don’t be upset if opinions are expressed in a direct and honest way. Smalltalk and wrapping criticism in a smooth way are probably not our best skills.

We need a better understanding of what Klinefelter’s syndrome comprises with respect to sensory and behavioural effects which are not covered by testosterone therapy itself. As a result, we could develop similar structures and guaranteed rights for Klinefelter men, too.

Long way to go but avoiding a long rocky path will continue status quo which is – in my opinion – not satisfying. And aside from Klinefelter’s syndrome, prejudice is also given for ADHD and autism. We are all in the same boat.

Stay tuned and spread the word !